Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fun Collections

Snowdomes {or snow globes, that's what I've always called them} My daughter has been collecting them for a couple years now. Last week I found four really neat vintage domes to add to her collection.

I found a great article with a little history behind Snowdomes. And if you want to see a true Snowdome collector, check out Andy Zito's Collection~ WOW, it's amazing!!

Flickr finds:

1. New York in Oxford, 2. MON 16 JUN. Lucky Day., 3. ( west ) germany snow globe, 4. Shepherd of the Hills

I loved this twist on the Snowdome, you can read more about it over at KraftyKatina's Blog.

1. Habijar #1: Amanitas and Snail

We're taking a road trip later this month, my favorite part is stopping at little quirky shops along the way. I'm sure we'll pick up a Snowdome or two♥


  1. I definitely have a soft spot for snow globes! I remember getting a new one in my stocking every Christmas!

  2. What a great thing to collect!!! Love you blog! I just found it and have added it to my sidebar to stop back often!... Donna

  3. I love kitschy little globes! Whenever Bud and I are goodwilling, I always let him buy one if he can find one...we have limited our finds to Christmas, but it would be fun to have the vacationing ones, too!
