I picked up this tabletop Mannequin last week at a Thrift Store. I knew it would make the perfect Jewelry display/holder with a little dressing up.

Supplies used:
fabric glue
velvet ribbon
vintage jewels & buttons
millinery flowers
{all things I already had}
First I painted the base a glossy black.

Then I cut fabric in random shapes and sizes forming it{brushed with glue} to the body until it was completely covered.

I added lace to the bottom, velvet ribbon around the waist, jewels & buttons creating a brooch. I also added a few extra touches: buttons down the back, extra jewels dangling at the waist & topped with millinery flowers.

My Inspiration.

This fabulous vintage tabletop mannequin was in the Summer issue of
Where Women Create. Since seeing this article I've been trying to figure out how I can take found vintage objects and turn them into a functional display piece similar to this one. I love the idea of using it to display your photo's~ brilliant!! I'll continue to wrack my brain until I figure it out.