Every weekend, rain or shine I head out to the Flea Market. I'm usually just there to pick up vintage frames, mirrors or windows. As usual I come across things I just can't pass up. This weekend I had zero luck with frames, but here are a few things I did find.

Some will go into my Vintage Shop, some given a face-lift and some I'll keep :)

These vintage lamps are going to look incredible once they've been upcycled.

My favorite find, this beautiful vintage mustard seed necklace. My 98 year old Grandmother wore one similar for as long as I can remember, now I think of her each time I wear it♥

Our puppy is getting bigger by the day. He is the sweetest little man with the best personality. He's the reason my alarm clock no longer wakes me up. He and I spend every morning{and by morning I mean 3 & 4 a.m.}going through our/
his routine: 2 or 3 trips outside to go potty, eating breakfast and dragging out each and every toy~ plus a shoe someone forgot to pick up.

Although I love starting the day with him, I'm looking forward to the day he sleeps in til at least 5:30 a.m.!