Every once in awhile I find an on-line Shop that I absolutely
love. Here are three that I've been drooling over lately. The Shop KookyKrafts is filled with the most quirky & fun handmade crafts~ you have to see it to believe it.

I've mentioned my love for bunting/banners before~ but this one is awesome...everything about it screams Carnival, fun & summer{well at least to me it does}. I'm
crazy about it! This photo doesn't do it justice, you have to stop by the web-site to get a good look at it :)

Tea Pea}}
I'm truly impressed with this Shop. They way she takes vintage salvaged jewelry pieces and pairs them together is amazing. I can click-click-click through her listings all day. Love, love, looove MaryBakerLovesYou♥♥♥

Helpful Blog Tips
♥Have you ever wondered
"How can I make my photo's larger?" or
"Is there a way to hide that Navbar at the top of the page?".... well I had and luckily found these two Blogs that give you step-by-step instructions.
Here &
here. Wooo hooo~ yay for helpful bloggers!