I feel like I'm buried in them. So, some I'll keep and some will go into my Vintage Etsy Shop.

How cute is she! I think she's supposed to be a fairy because she has wings and a wand.

Lots of vintage pennants, a quilt, chenille blankets, satin eiderdown, paintings...

and the
cutest little lamp I've ever seen!

My brother and I were recently talking about the things we had as kids that we wished we'd kept. His was a huge collection of
7-eleven Baseball
Slurpee cups from the 70's. After we got off the phone I started browsing Ebay and found these.

14 cups in a listing that was ending in two days...at 5:30 a.m.{good thing I like my brother}. He loved them. Thanks Ebay♥
What I've been busy working on for my Shop:

Now back to work :)