Or at least trying to.
Now that everyone's back in school trying to figure out what to do with all my free time has been my biggest problem. Cleaning, crafting, organizing, shopping, cooking ~ it seems like that six hours
f l y s by!
This cute little Shop was the last stop in our search for Cupcakes this summer.

It ended up being our favorite. I wish I had taken some pictures of the inside, but it was pretty tiny & crowded~ if I didn't think my kids would have died of embarrassment I would have taken some :)

Y U M!!

My Spoonflower swatch arrived~ SO cute, I love it!!

Here's a few things I've picked up lately:

I don't know what this Cup/Mug was originally intended for because of the lid{maybe a sugar bowl??}. It says: POP and has little pastel buttons all over with a bow on top... humm, whatever it is I love it :)

A pink vintage wooden hanger with little blue birds♥♥

I've been searching for the Dad to the Sunshine Family....

Although he's close, I think he's more of the 70's Swinger version.

He'll do for now.

I thought this would be perfect by the computer to hold pens and scissors, since I usually can't find either when I need them.

This cluttered hot mess is an area in my work space. I'm trying to simplify and organize my space better, making it more functional. Nothing about this picture makes me want to get crafty. It's my Before picture, hopefully I'll have an After picture later this week.