A couple weeks ago I found this drawing at my Brothers. I don't remember seeing it before, but he said it was a drawing of our Mammo{my Grandmother} done by her art teacher. My Grandmother was an amazing painter and I believe she took art classes as a hobby. I remember seeing pictures of her with her paintings placing first & second in different art contests.

Since my brother hadn't hung it up and felt bad about it just sitting in a stack of artwork he said I could borrow it, but he wanted it back. We're both alike in that the only thing left of our family{that's passed away}as far as belongings that matter to us are sentimental things like: old photo's, artwork and maybe a few trinkets. So for now it's hanging on my wall.

This is a picture of my Mammo and Pappo sometime in the 1940's, they were probably in their early 20's there. They were the
best Grandparents, and such a great looking couple too!!

I've been thinking about updating or redoing my Etsy Shop logo/brand and thought how perfect would it be to incorporate the drawing image of my Grandmother. Since I know nothing about taking what's in my head and turning it into what I want on the computer, I asked my brother who's a Graphic Artist if he could do it. He couldn't have made it seem more simple.

I knew I wanted the image inside a frame, so I sent him a picture of a vintage frame that I had sold in my Shop.

Very cool! He's amazing.

I know this stuff is a no-brainer to him~ he's created video games, done artwork on Album covers and so many other unbelievable things I couldn't even begin to explain, but I couldn't do this to save my life.

Now all I need to do {{with a little help of course}} from one of my favorite
Etsy designers is put all of my ideas together.