I made the mistake of washing this vintage velvet bolster pillow cover in the washing machine. One survived, the other fell apart. I decided to keep the fabric thinking I'd use it for something{probably the rationale of a Hoarder}.
I also had this unfinished embroidered pillow case{a flea market find}. So this is what I came up with....
A comfy pillow. I also added dried lavender inside along with the stuffing.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Coming Soon & Salvaged Vintage Scraps
Friday, October 21, 2011
Creepy or Cute?
Last weekend I picked up these old tattered dolls. Even though they're a crackled hot mess, I thought they were as cute as could be! I wasn't even sure what I'd do with them.
Now I do....the best $6 I've spent in awhile♥ They make great Halloween decor too :)

{Me and my Mom, in 1971}I remember not loving the outfit or the hair that day. Poorpitifulpearls version is SO MUCH cooler!!!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Show and Tell...
I finally bought one of her tough ruffles bags....and I love it!!
My Retrostiletto print arrived{I need to order a larger custom matting}it looks awesome framed!
Something else I recently bought was this antique Casket Plaque/Plate. For some reason I'm extremely fascinated with all things{vintage}Post Mortem.

I've been searching for awhile for an appropriate container for the ashes{yes, that's a film roll container, that's how they were given to me}I still haven't found one. I think the plaque makes a wonderful accent.
Sites to visit where you'll find interesting Post Mortem collectibles : Tear Drop Memories , Thanatos and Antique Photo Album.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
New Etsy Favorite♥

Decor Inspiration on Flickr♥
1. Aqua Purple Chevron, 2. ye ol' nawfick: THE pink couch, 3. Pair of Pastel Paint by Numbers, 4. Mantel left, 5. mirrored in black, 6. Tresaures, Cahaba Heights, AL
I'd love to find a soft velvety vintage couch like that. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Latest Flea Market Finds
How cute is she! I think she's supposed to be a fairy because she has wings and a wand.
My brother and I were recently talking about the things we had as kids that we wished we'd kept. His was a huge collection of 7-eleven Baseball Slurpee cups from the 70's. After we got off the phone I started browsing Ebay and found these.
14 cups in a listing that was ending in two days...at 5:30 a.m.{good thing I like my brother}. He loved them. Thanks Ebay♥
What I've been busy working on for my Shop:

Now back to work :)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Collections, Projects & {yay}it's Summertime!!
or so I thought until I spotted this unbelievely cute clock on Etsy....Holy Cow, I've been fighting with myself for days on whether or not to push the Add to cart button :/

Friday, June 10, 2011
Necessary{and unnecessary}new{old} finds♥
I've been long overdue for a bedspread. I tried searching on-line for something vintage{with no luck}and also tried looking at Department Stores for something new but couldn't find anything I liked well enough{probably because I prefer vintage}. The second I spotted this Bates Velvet Beadspread at an Antique Mall I knew it was the one~ it is soooo soft, comfy & velvety♥♥
I've also wanted{and needed}a stand mixer for a while now. I found this vintage Sunbeam Mixmaster last week for $10~ and it works!! I love it{even though it's not pink}and can't wait to use it.
O.K. I probably didn't need this vintage Cash Register{from The National Cash Register Co. Dayton Ohio}but somehow I left the flea market with it. Once I got it home I started thinking "What the heck am I going to do with this?" my kids were asking me the same thing! But after finding the perfect spot for it....I'm in love with the shabby timeworn rusty old thing!! It's great for holding magnets{for completed Memo Boards in my Shop}and the drawer is perfect for storing little things. The tag under the register drawer is marked Fox Theater 1949 Los Angeles California, it might have been used inside this Theater??
I finally pulled this old hutch out of my bathroom because I needed something in my work space for storage.There's nothing like taking a piece of furniture from one room into another and feeling like you've got new furniture :)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Boopsie Daisy....
One of the dolls looked like it had been slightly damaged & was missing part of the hair decoration....
If you ever need a mood boost just spend some time looking through her Flickr♥, it's like visiting an overflowing color filled quirky Candyland~ you have to see it to believe it.