Next to Etsy, I think I've found the most amazing web-site! For those of you who
love prints of amazing & affordable artwork I think you'll agree. I could wander through
Thumbtack Press for hours! I'm so excited about finding it, if you haven't seen it yet~ it's definitely worth checking out.
I'm not sure where my obsession with Artwork and wanting to fill my walls with prints is coming from. Maybe it's because I can't draw or paint to save my life.

This is me and my brother. He's an artist, and knew ever since he was little that that's what he wanted to be. The artist gene definitely skipped over me, hopefully one of my kids gets it. He graduated from Pasadena Art Center years ago, and is probably the best artist I know.
When we were younger I'd ask him to draw paper dolls for me that I'd cut out & play with for hours. I also had an obsession with Chastity Bono(it was the 70's) so he drew her a lot for me too.
I've saved this next picture for probably over 30 years. One day, after bugging him to draw a picture of me, he finally agreed.
It took him about thirty minutes: sitting across from me, looking at me, drawing, looking at me, drawing, looking at me, drawing some more.... and this is what he came up with:

I laugh at that picture every time I see it!
It never gets old :)
The funniest thing about the picture is that I remember the amount of time he took~ I really believed he was drawing an amazing portrait.